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Message27/05/2019, 09 09 33 (UTC)    
Sujet du message: Picture box runaround question

Hi all,
I am trying to set a picture box runaround in a single setting for all four sides. The only way I found to do this is to use the runaround tab in the tool palette, and there you have no option to simply set a runaround for basic rectangle picture box with equal distance to all four sides. I tried the drop down menu and set this to Auto Image, but when i try to increase the setting there, the text does not respond to that input. Now, I have read the guide, and it says you can also set runaround while in the text box with the text editing tool. But that also says it only applies to text being above and image box. So, I am confused again with the whole way things work in QXP. It just doesn't make sense to have to hunt all over the place to find settings and different context aware tools. Drives me nuts. Sorry for the rant, but having decided to ditch ID is really a damn hard decision already, and to find that navigating around the tools is so counter intuitive at times... pornwik
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Ok, rant over again Smile

Dernière édition par johnstro le 05.09.2020, 13:06; édité 7 fois
Message28/05/2019, 00 12 12 (UTC)    
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