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Message14/04/2019, 19 07 08 (UTC)    
Sujet du message: I'm in a tough situation with a client, and I could use some

My current client contacted me via Linkedin about 2 months ago.

I had, at that time, become roommates with someone that also worked in SEO/web design.

I decided to share the project with him and split the fee 50/50.

Since we've started, things have been pretty shitty. I've outworked him, I out-communicate with the clients, I do all of the speaking at our meetings, I do all of the background research/homework, and I'm the one who spends the time to do something RIGHT, instead of trying to deliver a half ass site.

The other night was the final straw with him - a situation arose that anyone with half a brain could have handled, but it didn't work out that way.
Message14/04/2019, 21 09 50 (UTC)    
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Je t'ai répondu la première fois en te disant que tu te trompe de site. Ceci est un site francophone et personne ici ne comprend l'anglais. Si tu veux continuer à poser des question fais le sur "".
Tu as ouvert une page que tu n'as même pas développée et tu l'utilise juste pour le forum.
A la prochaine utilisation du forum sans développement de ton site ( de ta page), je me verrais dans l'obligation de te bannir.
Bonne continuation.

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